Boosting Product Launch with Extensive Data Set Aggregation - case study

Boosting Product Launch with Extensive Data Set Aggregation

Home Case studies Boosting Product Launch with Extensive Data Set Aggregation

Project Overview


4 weeks


  • TypeScript
  • Python
  • Puppeteer
  • Serverless
  • Amazon Glue
  • Amazon Athena

The project’s objective was to enable our client (under NDA) to launch a new product tailored to customer preferences and achieve a strong product-market fit. The product needed to be easily adjustable to ever-evolving customers’ needs.

A lightbulb


The challenge this project posed was twofold: 

  • First of all, it entailed a massive scope and diversity of data we needed to glean for our client,
  • and second, given the fickle nature of customer preferences, identifying and tracking market fluctuations based on dynamic product configurations accurately over time, all while ensuring the configurable nature of the product was another puzzle to solve.
A hand with a lightbulb

Our Approach

In order to address this task, we gathered a vast data set from various sources and preprocessed it to enable efficient data analysis and, ultimately, informative product development decisions. For this very purpose, we developed a bespoke crawler service.

Additionally, we collected and categorised all the necessary data, ensuring it was readily available for analysis and product tweaking.

A hand with arrows moving up


Although complex, the completion of the Data Set aggregation project went smoothly, without any setbacks and delays. We delivered it in a remarkably short timeframe—merely a couple of weeks.

What’s more, the aggregated data proved to be pivotal in our client’s product fine-tuning, as well as their pricing strategy. Insights extracted from the data facilitated adjustments to align with customer preferences effectively.
Lastly, harnessing insights from data-set aggregation, our client was able to steer through the product launch with greater confidence, sidestepping numerous potential pitfalls and securing a smoother market entry in a shorter timeframe.

Effects of Data Set aggregation - a man flying on a rocket

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